Meet the Author
Ari Mittleman

Ari Mittleman works at the the nexus of politics, policymaking and the press in Washington, DC.
Since grade school, Ari has traveled regularly to Israel and been an active member of the Jewish community.
He has visited over 40 countries and has worked with heads of state, celebrities and global business leaders.
Ari believes that in an age of rampant antisemitism and disinformation, the court of public opinion is the new battlefield for the Jewish community.
His columns regularly appear in the Jerusalem Post, Times of Israel and diverse American publications.
Ari is self-taught in Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian and regularly travels to the Balkan region. He has worked to on peace and reconciliation in the Former Yugoslavia. He has helped to deepen ties between these countries and the United States.
He was honored to be listed by The Algemeiner, a 50 year old staple of Jewish journalism, as one of the top 100 individuals who have positively influenced Jewish life over the past year.
As a native Pennsylvanian actively involved in the Jewish community, the tragedy in Pittsburgh deeply affected him and led to the writing of Paths of the Righteous.
Ari lives in Pikesville, Maryland with his wife and daughter.