King Solomon in Proverbs wrote: “The path of the righteous is like the light of dawn; it shines ever brighter until the day is perfect.” With unprecedented antisemitism, discover the true meaning of this verse through fast-paced short stories you won’t forget.
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What does it mean to be a righteous person in these uncertain times…
Discover eight non-Jewish leaders who have gone above and beyond for Israel and the Jewish people during a difficult and turbulent period. Largely unheralded and not in the headlines, their stories can inspire Jews and non-Jews alike.

“With the understandable increase in anxiety about the return of antisemitism in our time, it is comforting and inspiring to read Ari Mittleman’s stories of eight leaders who have taken the path of righteousness and harmony in the twenty-first century. In this book, Ari makes the case not to ignore persistent antisemitism but to be optimistic that people of good will can act together to defeat bigotry.”
Senator Joseph I. Lieberman
Photo Credit: Kasowitz, Benson, Torres

“We are given the choice, every day, whether we want our lives to be ordinary, or whether we want them to be extraordinary. This book illuminates the moments and experiences that drove eight ‘normal’ people to make an extraordinary impact. These eight stories of righteousness, integrity and personal risk should inspire us all –– and remind us, as Jews, that even in our darkest moments, we are never alone.”
Amanda Berman,
Founder and Executive Director, Zioness Movement
Photo Credit: Zioness.org

“Ari Mittleman has masterfully conveyed the stories and personalities of eight unique non-Jews who have spread their light to the Jewish people and to humanity as paradigms of decency, morality and kindness. Ari paints the picture of their lives in a way that brings the reader into a different universe. After reading this incredible book, we are inspired, educated and challenged to see hope and optimism in humanity knowing that there are refined, moral and courageous people of all backgrounds who are willing to stand up against the world to do what is correct, fair and righteous.”
Rabbi Steven Weil,
CEO Friends of the Israel Defense Forces
Photo Credit: Orthodox Union

“At a time when Jews are extremely concerned and hurt due to rising antisemitism, we are gratified to hear every voice coming from our non-Jewish friends and allies who have been willing to stand with Israel and the Jewish people. Each voice becomes a gift that provides comfort and inspiration during difficult times. Jews need look no further than the powerful pages of this book to find love for Israel and the Jewish people expressed so profoundly by Ari Mittleman as he tells the stories of 8 special non-Jewish righteous souls. Through the humanity and goodness of these 8 beautiful people, we are infused with courage and hope.”
Roz Rothstein
CEO, StandWithUs
Photo Credit: StandWithUS

“In today’s world, too often the focus is on division and difference. As a diplomat, I always try to look for common ground and to focus on the future and not dwell on the past. In an increasingly complex world, Mittleman’s book strikes an optimistic tone with a creative and unique perspective.”
Israeli Ambassador Ishmael Khaldi
Photo Credit: Israel Consulate

“At a time when darkness seems to be growing and hatred is at epidemic proportions, Ari Mittleman has provided a ray of light and hope in Paths of Righteous. These stories of eight honest and good people, who saw a need and sought to meet it, are inspiring because they are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many millions of such good-hearted people around the world who oppose antisemitism, admire the Jewish people, and love what Israel stands for. My prayer is that more of them will learn how to step up to the plate as did these brave individuals and have a greater impact on our world.”
Dr. Susan Michael,
USA Director, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem
Photo Credit: ICEJ

“Too often we are quick to condemn evil and slow to recognize righteousness. Ari Mittleman’s eloquent book portrays remarkable people whose spirit, insight and passion are powerful inspirations to improve ourselves and our world.”
Rabbi David Wolpe,
Sinai Temple, Los Angeles
Photo Credit: Sinai Temple

“Ari Mittleman was moved to write “Paths of the Righteous” after the devastating 2018 attack on the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. This book is a moving and hopeful response to that tragedy. “Paths of the Righteous” showcases the stories of eight men and women outside the Jewish tradition, people of varied nationalities and races, who boldly put their affinity for Israel and their allegiance with the Jewish people into action in their own communities. Their stories teach valuable and inspiring lessons about building bridges and standing up for what is right against all odds, and shine a light of hope and humanity into a world that sometimes seems to be filled only with darkness. This book confirms what I’ve seen firsthand through the work of The Fellowship – the Jewish people are not alone as we fight against anti-Semitism and work for a peaceful and secure Israel.”
Yael Eckstein,
President and CEO, International Fellowship of Christians and Jews
Photo Credit: IFCJ

“Our tradition teaches us that the world exists because of 36 righteous human beings who we do not necessarily know. Ari Mittleman reveals eight of those non-Jews who are righteous. Read Paths of the Righteous to be inspired. I survived because of a Catholic woman who risked her life in Poland to save me during the Shoah. Especially in these times, this book is a dose of optimism.”
Abraham Foxman, Esq.
Photo Credit: ADL

“I am a child of the civil rights movement. I learned the importance of diverse allies from a young age. The Jewish community was there hand in hand with the African American community during the civil rights movement. Whether in the American South or the Middle East, everyone should be able to live in peace and coexist together. Ari Mittleman’s Paths of the Righteous eloquently profiles diverse unheralded leaders working toward social justice, coexistence and peace for Israel and the Jewish people.”
Bakari Sellers,
Author, My Vanishing Country
Photo Credit: Mediaite

“Shakespeare wrote: ‘The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones.’ Too often, Shakespeare’s insight is true. Ari Mittleman corrects this moral imbalance. He’s written an amazing, powerful and gripping book about eight non-Jewish men and women who went above and beyond for the Jewish people. An altogether uplifting book.”
Donna Brazile,
Former Chairwoman, Democratic National Committee
Photo Credit: Donna Brazile

“Ari Mittleman’s Path of the Righteous could not come at a better time. As we struggle to emerge from a global pandemic and deal with the ever-worsening climatic events both which threaten our human existence; we are faced with a frightening and dramatic rise in global antisemitism which has threatened the Jewish people’s existence for millennia. The testimonies of the righteous non-Jews in Ari’s book are a reminder that no minority group secures its basic rights and thrives without help from allies outside the group. The stories are also a reminder that it is incumbent upon us all to do better: to try and build bridges of understanding, compassion, and action to make our world a safer, more equitable and brighter place.“
U.S. Ambassador S. Fitzgerald Haney (ret.)
Photo Credit: US Department of State

“Ari Mittleman lifts up eight righteous leaders who have lifted others, eight unsung non-Jewish champions of the Jewish story, profiles in courage, defying the oldest hatred — anti-Semitism. Read these inspiring portraits for yourself and to your children, share with your colleagues, congregants and friends. Mittleman reminds us, in lively prose, that a better day is not only possible, but already in motion.”
Abigail Pogrebin,
author of “My Jewish Year: 18 Holidays, One Wondering Jew.”
Photo Credit: The Forward

“With the ongoing increase of global antisemitism, Ari Mittleman eloquently captures eight hopeful leaders that represent more of what unites us than divides us. Fighting racism and bigotry means fighting all forms of it – especially antisemitism. Knowing we are not alone in this battle is critical.”
Dr. Asaf Romirowsky,
Executive Director, Scholars for Peace in the Middle East
Photo Credit: Embassy of Israel

“Paths of the Righteous comes at a time when the Jewish people are under attack for daring to still be here after thousands of years of being hated, assimilated, or both. Read here how Olga Washington refuses to let uninformed antisemites decry Israel as apartheid, how Father Desbois repudiates those who would deny the Holocaust with his painstaking work, how Chloe Valdary combats unthinking bias through empathy and an unyielding determination to connect with people rather than make them feel scorned. These and their colleagues are the heroes we need in the 21st century, and I’m grateful to Ari Mittleman for telling their story.”
Elisha Wiesel
Photo Credit: Zioness